The famous Prudential Revocation has taken another turn in the past few months. From the information we are getting from some of our consultations, as soon as someone is arrested on a DUI and this person is on H1B, F1 visa, H4 visa, or other non-immigrants visas,  they are receiving an email from the Department of State revoking their visas on their passport. This does not mean the person is losing status in the United States, it only means that this person will not be able to travel overseas. Lately, we have heard that the dependents visas were also been revoked by the Department of State. However, we have seen this in only one case and we do not know whether it was a mistake or a trend. As such we are advising caution. In addition, we are getting news that in case the dependents whose visas have been revoked and are presently traveling will not be able to come back. We will update you on the Prudential Revocation issues once we get any additional information.