July 7, 2015 – The USCIS announced that it is launching a program to raise awareness on the importance of US citizenship and the rights and responsibilities of the US citizen. This awareness campaign is intended to encourage those who are eligible for citizenship to actually file for Naturalization. Citizenship is the culmination of a life time effort for most immigrants to be part of a great nation.  While we all applaud the USCIS for this awareness campaign, we should remember that many people are still not granted citizenship on minor issues including a wrong discretionary decision or abuse of discretion.

The application for USCIS citizenship (form N400) always seems to be a simple process.  While it might be the case for many, for others it is simply a big issue based on the language difficulties and other unrelated issues. Issues which delay or result in denial includes failure to register for selective service, inability to read, inability to learn the civics of naturalization, criminal convictions and lost of continuity for traveling too long outside the United States. There are many other hurdles which can actually discourage filing or result in a denial.  It is always wise to have the application reviewed by an experienced immigration lawyer.  In such circumstances, a good lawyer can actually help.  Our law firm has successfully handled hundreds of citizenship applications and should you need help to file please call us at 510 742 5887.

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